triste vida la del carretero que anda por esos cañaverales, sabiendo que su vida es un destierro, se alegra con sus cantares

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

more dreams of glory

Dreamt last night that I was performing with the Tord Gustavsson trio in a large concert hall, improvising on something I knew to be a bassoon, but which in fact was a huge modernist beech block (a little like an Ikea chest of drawers) with only two holes. I blew directly into one of them, and wiggled my finger in the other, altering the pitch of the note. It made a noise like a bassoon with extra overtones and was quite beautiful. I suspect if someone actually made an instrument like this the results might be somewhat different.

This is not quite in the same league as the dream where I was on a festival stage with Thelonious Monk, Pete Marsh and Björk, but I enjoyed it all the same.


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