triste vida la del carretero que anda por esos caƱaverales, sabiendo que su vida es un destierro, se alegra con sus cantares

Sunday, July 09, 2006

the latest from the BBC blogging revolution . . .

they're getting socratic on our asses . . . OK, maybe it's got something to do with Materazzi and Zidane. But it tickled me.


Blogger Chris Jones said...

are you calling my blog a whore? ;-)

3:54 pm

Blogger lifestooshort said...

what's the emoticon for a chest-butt?

(bloody emoticons, never turn up when you need them then three come at once....)

anyway, no, blogs are sacred to me and anyway I'm too ignorant, I don't know what a whore is.

6:51 pm


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